In english

Welcome to flå – a website where anyone who wants can report tick sightings on humans and pets/other animals.

Data collected will in the long run provide valuable information about the geographical distribution of sheep ticks (Ixodes ricinus) in Norway, seasonal variations, and give an indication of where in Norway there is a high or low risk of tick bites. You can report tick sightings on yourself, on pets (dog/cat) – or on game, which may be relevant for hunters. You can report ticks that have bitten, or ticks that have been found crawling on skin, clothing or fur. It is also possible to upload a picture of the tick. The project is part of a larger EU-project on ticks, NorthTick, which is funded by the EU through the European Regional Development Fund and the North Sea Region Program 2014 – 2020. In 2019, the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Tick-borne diseases became a partner in NorthTick.

Flå was launched on June 30th 2022. Approximately 10500 tick sightings have been registered so far (updated 17.nov.2022). In the long run, when we receive even more registrations, the map will give the public information about the distribution of ticks in Norway. The purpose of this «citizen science» project is to create an interactive tick map for Norway based on data collected by the public. There are maps that show the distribution of sheep ticks (Ixodes ricinus) in Norway, but they are starting to get a few years old, and are based on slightly different information and other sources. This will be a map where the citizens in Norway (or tourists) contributes, and will thus be different. In order to be able to map tick observations as broadly and up-to-date as possible, we hope that as many people as possible want to contribute to our project.

This is the first version of the map. In the future, it will be possible to click on each data point on the map, to see what has been reported in and also sort by date – so that you can see, for example, tick sightings during specific months of the year. Submissions are completely anonymous and no personal data is stored. Therefore, you do not receive feedback.

How to report tick sightings

With a few clicks, you can easily submit your tick sighting. The tick map is updated daily.

  • Click on «report ticks»
  • You will be asked about registrations of the number of ticks that crawl or that have bitten humans or animals
  • You can choose to add a photo of the tick
  • You must enter the date of the observation
  • You’re done 🙂

Do you want more information?

Please contact the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Tick-borne diseases, or (0047)38073329/(0047)47719461